Archive for August, 2012


August 24, 2012

Something to start the day. Bloody tired/. Who wakes up so early 6AM to draw?!!!!



August 23, 2012

Finally Done Screw facebook. Here is the sharp version. Going to flood the internet with this picture. RAWR…


August 23, 2012

Playing around with photoshop effect. Still dependent on PS. Gotta Break away from those fliterssssss


August 23, 2012

Ar. interest level is dropping!!!


August 23, 2012

Just a screen-cap on a work i’m doing. Took me a freaking 2 hr to lay the colors out. Wonder where is the problem ~


August 22, 2012

Gonna start going through this shit rather than just jumping into a pose

and Yadayada..


Rather generic pose, nothing muchto hide.


August 22, 2012

Doodle on a bus. My doodle speed is still very slow. ideas just ain’t coming out.


August 19, 2012

Screw facebook. making the image so pixel. Full version. Gonna color this baby. 😀

Claw. Done

August 10, 2012

More to go . ar . taking darm long to complete this painting ..grrrrrr


August 8, 2012

Calling it a night. Cont tml ~~~~


August 8, 2012

More practise. Venus. Bertel Thoraldsen. Some famous guy. Addicted to this 19th Century sculptures recently. Too amazed what the people from the past can do.


August 8, 2012

Wanted to copy from a sculpture book. But still far away from it. Wonder what are this sculptors thinking when they are making these sculptures. Totally impressed and amaze.

And i drew her face too LONGGGGGGGG..SORRRY HOPE!


August 3, 2012

More sculpture painting.
Hmm. neck area looks werid and the head looks werid. Did not realist it after uploading.
Guess uploading to the internet can allow one to notice mistake easily.


August 3, 2012


August 2, 2012


August 2, 2012

Moar coloring needed .. colors are totally a mess !!!